Enormous Matrices

Enormous Matrices

Fundamentally, $m$-mode analysis involves operations on block-diagonal matrices. Although the block-diagonal structure of these matrices makes it possible to store and perform computations on these matrices, they can still be enormous. That is, while each block individually may fit in the system memory, multiple blocks may not. Here we introduce some of the abstractions developed for working with block diagonal matrices that may each be multiple terabytes in size.


abstract type AbstractBlockMatrix{B, N}

This type represents a (potentially enormous) block-diagonal matrix. This type is designed to be general enough to handle large matrices that fit in memory as well as enormous matrices that do not fit in memory. In principle this type can also be used to store small matrices, but it would be relatively inefficient compared to the standard Array{T, N}.

Type Parameters

  • B specifies the type of the blocks that compose the matrix

  • N specifies the number of indices used to index into the matrix blocks

Required Fields

  • storage contains instructions on how to read matrix blocks

  • cache is used if we want to read the matrix from disk and then keep it in memory for faster access.

struct SimpleBlockVector <: AbstractBlockMatrix{Vector{Complex128}, 1}

This type represents a (potentially enormous) complex-valued vector that has been split into blocks. Each of these blocks is indexed by a number that varies from 1 to length.


  • storage contains instructions on how to read the vector from disk

  • cache is used if we want to keep the vector in memory

  • length determines the number of blocks the vector is divided into


julia> x = create(SimpleBlockVector, 10)
SimpleBlockVector(<no file>, cached=true, length=10)

julia> x[5] = Complex128[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

julia> x[5]
5-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:

See also: SimpleBlockMatrix, AbstractBlockMatrix

struct SimpleBlockMatrix <: AbstractBlockMatrix{Matrix{Complex128}, 1}

This type represents a (potentially enormous) complex-valued matrix that has been split into blocks. Each of these blocks is indexed by a number that varies from 1 to length.


  • storage contains instructions on how to read the matrix from disk

  • cache is used if we want to keep the matrix in memory

  • length determines the number of blocks the matrix is divided into


julia> x = create(SimpleBlockMatrix, 10)
SimpleBlockMatrix(<no file>, cached=true, length=10)

julia> x[5] = Complex128[1 2; 3 4];

julia> x[5]
2×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
 1.0+0.0im  2.0+0.0im
 3.0+0.0im  4.0+0.0im

See also: SimpleBlockVector, AbstractBlockMatrix

struct MBlockVector <: AbstractBlockMatrix{Vector{Complex128}, 1}

This type represents a (potentially enormous) complex-valued vector that has been split into blocks. Each of these blocks is indexed by its value of $m$ that varies from 0 to mmax.


  • storage contains instructions on how to read the matrix from disk

  • cache is used if we want to keep the matrix in memory

  • mmax determines the largest value of the $m$ quantum number used by the matrix


julia> x = create(MBlockVector, 10)
MBlockVector(<no file>, cached=true, mmax=10)

julia> x[0] = Complex128[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

julia> x[0]
5-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:

See also: MBlockMatrix, AbstractBlockMatrix

struct MBlockMatrix <: AbstractBlockMatrix{Matrix{Complex128}, 1}

This type represents a (potentially enormous) complex-valued matrix that has been split into blocks. Each of these blocks is indexed by its value of $m$ that varies from 0 to mmax.


  • storage contains instructions on how to read the matrix from disk

  • cache is used if we want to keep the matrix in memory

  • mmax determines the largest value of the $m$ quantum number used by the matrix


julia> x = create(MBlockMatrix, 10)
MBlockMatrix(<no file>, cached=true, mmax=10)

julia> x[0] = Complex128[1 2; 3 4];

julia> x[0]
2×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
 1.0+0.0im  2.0+0.0im
 3.0+0.0im  4.0+0.0im

See also: MBlockVector, AbstractBlockMatrix

struct FBlockVector <: AbstractBlockMatrix{Vector{Complex128}, 1}

This type represents a (potentially enormous) complex-valued vector that has been split into blocks. Each of these blocks is indexed by the index of the corresponding frequency channel, which varies from 1 to length(frequencies).


  • storage contains instructions on how to read the matrix from disk

  • cache is used if we want to keep the matrix in memory

  • frequencies is a list of the frequency channels represented by this matrix

  • bandwidth is a list of the corresponding bandwidth of each frequency channel


julia> x = create(FBlockVector, [74u"MHz", 100u"MHz"], [24u"kHz", 24u"kHz"])
FBlockVector(<no file>, cached=true, frequencies=74.000 MHz…100.000 MHz, bandwidth~24 kHz)

julia> x[1] = Complex128[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

julia> x[1]
5-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:

See also: FBlockMatrix, AbstractBlockMatrix

struct FBlockMatrix <: AbstractBlockMatrix{Matrix{Complex128}, 1}

This type represents a (potentially enormous) complex-valued matrix that has been split into blocks. Each of these blocks is indexed by the index of the corresponding frequency channel, which varies from 1 to length(frequencies).


  • storage contains instructions on how to read the matrix from disk

  • cache is used if we want to keep the matrix in memory

  • frequencies is a list of the frequency channels represented by this matrix

  • bandwidth is a list of the corresponding bandwidth of each frequency channel


julia> x = create(FBlockMatrix, [74u"MHz", 100u"MHz"], [24u"kHz", 24u"kHz"])
FBlockMatrix(<no file>, cached=true, frequencies=74.000 MHz…100.000 MHz, bandwidth~24 kHz)

julia> x[1] = Complex128[1 2; 3 4];

julia> x[1]
2×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
 1.0+0.0im  2.0+0.0im
 3.0+0.0im  4.0+0.0im

See also: FBlockVector, AbstractBlockMatrix

struct MFBlockVector <: AbstractBlockMatrix{Vector{Complex128}, 2}

This type represents a (potentially enormous) complex-valued vector that has been split into blocks. Each of these blocks is indexed by its value of $m$, which varies from 0 to mmax, and the index of the corresponding frequency channel, which varies from 1 to length(frequencies).


  • storage contains instructions on how to read the matrix from disk

  • cache is used if we want to keep the matrix in memory

  • mmax determines the largest value of the $m$ quantum number used by the matrix

  • frequencies is a list of the frequency channels represented by this matrix

  • bandwidth is a list of the corresponding bandwidth of each frequency channel


julia> x = create(MFBlockVector, 2, [74u"MHz", 100u"MHz"], [24u"kHz", 24u"kHz"])
MFBlockVector(<no file>, cached=true, mmax=2, frequencies=74.000 MHz…100.000 MHz, bandwidth~24 kHz)

julia> x[0, 1] = Complex128[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

julia> x[0, 1]
5-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:

See also: MFBlockMatrix, AbstractBlockMatrix

struct MFBlockMatrix <: AbstractBlockMatrix{Matrix{Complex128}, 2}

This type represents a (potentially enormous) complex-valued matrix that has been split into blocks. Each of these blocks is indexed by its value of $m$, which varies from 0 to mmax, and the index of the corresponding frequency channel, which varies from 1 to length(frequencies).


  • storage contains instructions on how to read the matrix from disk

  • cache is used if we want to keep the matrix in memory

  • mmax determines the largest value of the $m$ quantum number used by the matrix

  • frequencies is a list of the frequency channels represented by this matrix

  • bandwidth is a list of the corresponding bandwidth of each frequency channel


julia> x = create(MFBlockMatrix, 2, [74u"MHz", 100u"MHz"], [24u"kHz", 24u"kHz"])
MFBlockMatrix(<no file>, cached=true, mmax=2, frequencies=74.000 MHz…100.000 MHz, bandwidth~24 kHz)

julia> x[0, 1] = Complex128[1 2; 3 4];

julia> x[0, 1]
2×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
 1.0+0.0im  2.0+0.0im
 3.0+0.0im  4.0+0.0im

See also: MFBlockVector, AbstractBlockMatrix

struct LBlockMatrix <: AbstractBlockMatrix{Matrix{Float64}, 1}

This type represents a (potentially enormous) complex-valued matrix that has been split into blocks. Each of these blocks is indexed by its value of $l$, which varies from 0 to lmax.


  • storage contains instructions on how to read the matrix from disk

  • cache is used if we want to keep the matrix in memory

  • lmax determines the largest value of the $l$ quantum number used by the matrix

  • frequencies is a list of the frequency channels represented by this matrix

  • bandwidth is a list of the corresponding bandwidth of each frequency channel


julia> x = create(LBlockMatrix, 2, [74u"MHz", 100u"MHz"], [24u"kHz", 24u"kHz"])
LBlockMatrix(<no file>, cached=true, lmax=2, frequencies=74.000 MHz…100.000 MHz, bandwidth~24 kHz)

julia> l = BPJSpec.L(0);

julia> x[l] = Float64[1 2; 3 4];

julia> x[l]
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
 1.0  2.0
 3.0  4.0

See also: LMBlockVector, AbstractBlockMatrix

struct LMBlockVector <: AbstractBlockMatrix{Vector{Complex128}, 2}

This type represents a (potentially enormous) complex-valued vector that has been split into blocks. Each of these blocks is indexed by its value of $l$, which varies from 0 to lmax, and $m$, which varies from 0 to mmax with the restriction that $m ≤ l$.


  • storage contains instructions on how to read the matrix from disk

  • cache is used if we want to keep the matrix in memory

  • lmax determines the largest value of the $l$ quantum number used by the matrix

  • mmax determines the largest value of the $m$ quantum number used by the matrix

  • frequencies is a list of the frequency channels represented by this matrix

  • bandwidth is a list of the corresponding bandwidth of each frequency channel


julia> x = create(LMBlockVector, 2, 2, [74u"MHz", 100u"MHz"], [24u"kHz", 24u"kHz"])
LMBlockVector(<no file>, cached=true, lmax=2, mmax=2, frequencies=74.000 MHz…100.000 MHz, bandwidth~24 kHz)

julia> x[0, 0] = Complex128[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

julia> x[0, 0]
5-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:

See also: LBlockMatrix, AbstractBlockMatrix
